Sorry, Senator, That’s Just Not Right
Recently, we contacted our State representatives to voice our strong disagreement with the (in)Equality Act. Well, Senator Bob Menendez got back to Jesse, and we thought it might be beneficial for you to see his response. In our country, we have the privilege of being able to voice our concerns and voting for Legislators that should uphold ultimate Truth and Justice. We also have the responsibility to pray for our leaders, even when they persecute us, and we can let them know when they miss the mark. Read on.
Dear Mr. Gruber,
Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding S. 393, the Equality Act. Your opinion is very important to me, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond to you on this critical issue.
The Equality Act would prohibit discrimination in places of public accommodation on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. The bill would also expand the definition of public accommodation to include transportation services, online retailers, food banks, and places of amusement, among others. In addition, the bill would prohibit organizations receiving federal grants and assistance from discriminating against their employees on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
The Senate Committee on the Judiciary held a hearing on the Equality Act on Wednesday, March 17, 2021. Mark-ups of pending legislation are scheduled at the discretion of the Committee's Chairman, Senator Dick Durbin of Illinois. Although I am not a member of this committee, please be assured that I will keep your views in mind.
Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future about this or any other matter of concern. I invite you to visit my website ( to learn more about how I am standing up for New Jersey families in the United States Senate.
Jesse’s Response:
Dear Senator,
There is no science or logic behind the inclusion of gender identity into civil rights issues. This also removes many protections based on the free exercise of religion which is a God-given, recognized right in our free society by the US Constitution. To side against these inalienable rights betrays your oath of office and is unconscionable. It is my prayer that your support of this bill culminates in the end of your time in office, or your repentance and reconciliation to your God-given duty as Senator to uphold our rights in the Senate.