The Anatomy of An Explosive: Canadian Bill C-4
Enjoy this guest post written by David Hanson on Conversion Therapy Bill C-4 up in Canada. David is a Canadian, and has graciously agreed to help us understand the roots of Bill C-4, as well as it’s destructive power. Bill C-4 is similar to the US Equality Act, so we must pay attention!
Are you aware of a C-4 bomb? It's a military-grade plastic explosive fit with a timer, a detonator device, and an explosive material. Just a small amount can make a significant impact. A C-4 bomb has exploded in Canada – Bill C-4: An Act to amend the Criminal Code (conversion therapy).
As the title indicates, the bill criminalizes conversion therapy. Conversion therapy isn't about coercing someone to undergo "medical treatment" (eg. shock therapy), as some believe. This is already banned in Canada. Conversion therapy as defined by Bill C-4 is, "a practice, treatment or service designed to (a) change a person's sexual orientation to heterosexual; (b) change a person's gender identity to cisgender; (c) change a person's gender expression so that it conforms to the sex assigned to the person at birth; (d) repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour; (e) repress a person's non-cisgender gender identity; (f) or repress or reduce a person's gender expression that does not conform to the sex assigned to the person at birth." In short, it is any practice, treatment or service designed to discourage someone from embracing the LGBTQ2+ lifestyle. Anyone who is found providing these services can face up to a maximum of five years in prison.
The Timer Is Set
Like a C-4 bomb, a timer counted down to its detonation. It was set into motion way before 2021. You see, this bill was not crafted in a chamber void of time and events. Time is like a stream with the actions and consequences of one event leading into the next. Some key events happened here in Canada, which led to this day. Here's a brief look at a few of them.
1967: On December 21st, 1967, as Liberal Justice minister, Pierre Elliot Trudeau introduced the Omnibus Bill in which he appealed for the decriminalization of homosexual acts performed in private. His belief was, "There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation… what's done in private between adults doesn't concern the Criminal code". This event opened the door to accepting this immoral behaviour. Tick…tick…tick.
1971: On August 28th, the first Pride March happened. During this event, they presented a petition to the government with a list of ten demands for equal rights and protections. There have been Pride marches throughout Canada every year from that point on. These marches foster the acceptance of their lifestyle and the belief that they are oppressed. Tick…tick…tick.
1971: Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau introduced the policy of multiculturalism, which emphasized "diversity and inclusion" as characteristics of the Canadian way. Tick…tick…tick.
1988: On December 1st, 1987, secretary of State David Crombie introduced the Canadian Multiculturalism Act, enshrining the policy into law. It received Royal Assent on July 21st, 1988. Tick…tick…tick.
These last two events put us on the countdown to this day. The motivation for the Liberal Party for criminalizing any service that discourages people from embracing the LGBTQ2+ lifestyle was for this very reason of diversity and inclusion. This was written on their Bill C-4 infographic:
"Diversity and inclusion are among Canada's greatest strengths. Canadians must feel safe to be who they are. There is no right and wrong when it comes to who you are and who you love. That's why on November 29,2021, the Government of Canada introduced legislation to end so-called conversion therapy in Canada…"
Brace for Impact
As the years went on, the timer kept ticking. Many chose to view what was taking place as a good thing. Others stood silent, wondering whether someone would be brave enough to diffuse it. And some raised the alarm attempting to change things and brace for impact. All the while, the bomb ticked on.
Fast-forward to March 9th, 2020. On that day, Federal Liberal Justice Minister David Lamattie introduced Bill C-8 [the predecessor of Bill C-4]. This bill died when parliament was prorogued in August 2020. It was then reintroduced as Bill C-6 and tabled in the House of Commons on October 27th, 2020. The bill died when the election was called last year. After the election, it was reintroduced on November 29th, 2021, as Bill C-4.
At this point, much of the Christian church was not watching the bomb or aware of those few calling the church to seek God by prayer and action to stop it. Perhaps they had thought that the bill wouldn't resurface or pass through the senate. The conservative party had done a great job slowing down Bill C-8 and C-6 in the past. But something changed. Not only did the bill become even deadlier with the removal of a particular phrase, but the normal elements of multiple readings, committees, debates and amendments were bypassed. What was that phrase? Well, read for yourself.
Bill C-8/Bill C-6: "[The bill would enact new offences to prohibit] causing an individual to undergo conversion therapy against their will."
Bill C-4: "[The bill would enact new offences to prohibit] causing another person to undergo conversion therapy."
The exclusion of the phrase "against their will" makes it a criminal offence to help even someone who is willfully seeking aid and counsel from a biblical sexual ethic. It's a one-way bill, written in an ambiguous manner, which robs people struggling with their sexual identity of informed consent. This is atrocious, yet when the bill was tabled, none of the 62 conservative MPS who had opposed the bills in the past stood up against it this time. No one dissented. Worse than that, the Conservative justice critic made the motion for the bill to be adopted unanimously. As the last seconds of the bomb continued to tick, the people cheered, and one even danced. The bill was passed on December 7, 2021. The church sighed and braced for impact
A timer counts down the device; the detonator is what ignites it. If the detonator is removed, the bomb doesn't go off. So, what's the detonator that ignited this bill? It may sound cliché, but it's the same denotator that sets off all rebellion – 1) suppression of the truth and 2) an embracing of a lie.
Romans 1 teaches us that humanity seeks to suppress the truth so that they may embrace their sinful desires (cf. Romans 1:18-32). Canada wants to have the freedom to choose their sex and orientation regardless of what God says, so they suppress God's clear teaching regarding sexuality. God created two distinct sexes - male and female (Genesis 1:27) – which is determined by Him at conception biologically through the XY chromosome, which cannot be altered. God has also defined the confines of a sexual union to be between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24; cf. Leviticus 18:22). He has designed it that only through this sexual union can there be any offspring to populate the earth, fulfilling the creation mandate (Genesis 1:28).
Canada has suppressed these truths in Bill C-4, referring to them as myths. This suppression is not simply motivated by sexual lust. It is undergirded by the lie that we are the ones who can determine what is morally right and wrong. Only God alone has this right since He is the creator of all things (Ron. 9:20). By suppressing the truth and embracing the lie, the Canadian government believed that they had the right to enact and enforce such a law. And here we are.
On January 8th, the bomb went off, and the Prime Minister posted about the victory. But there was no victory that day – only destruction. For that is the way of man (Proverbs 14:12). Interestingly, C-4's destructive power comes from rapidly expanding hot gasses. I find that a fitting analogy for man's thoughts. Man's beliefs compared to God's are volatile, futile, and arrogantly expanding hot gasses, which leads to destruction. And though the Prime Minister may see this bill as a good thing, it:
Robs people of informed consent, promoting gender dysphoria. Those desiring to seek help or a fuller picture regarding sexuality will not be able to receive counsel encouraging and regarding heterosexuality and cisgenderism.
Robs people hope to break free from their sinful desires by making Christians afraid to speak out and provide the gospel to those struggling with their sexuality.
Further removes religious freedoms in Canada as it criminalizes biblical counsel/teaching regarding sexuality, making pastors fearful of giving counsel or preaching on this topic.
Suppresses a parent's freedom of speech to encourage and teach their children the creation view of sexuality.
Further dismantles God's good design of sexuality in our country, which will have future implications for marriage and family.
Foundationally undermines and destroys the Judeo-Christian principles that our country was founded upon, defining them as myths.
Time To Rebuild
The bomb has gone off. God did not stop it. As judgement, God has given to our nation what they wanted – the undermining and suppression of the Judeo-Christian Biblical ethic. As a parent, I am concerned about the country my daughter will grow to know. Just as a building collapses after an explosion, Canada is morally free-falling, and there is rubble everywhere. So, what do we do now?
Don't hide! We have a mission (Mt. 28:18-20). And that is to stand firm in the truth and rescue others by confronting their sin and warning them of God's judgement upon this lifestyle (Proverbs 24:11). They need to be awakened to the truth, picked out of the rubble of their own making, and brought to safety.
Don't fear! The psalmist writes, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling" (Psalm 46:1-3).
Rebuild! There is much rubble, and our nation is on a moral-free fall because they have removed God's law as its foundation. It's easy to look around and complain, but we need to engage and rebuild. How? By teaching God's law to others. Start with your family. Have children, teach them the truth, raise them up to know God and His good design of sexuality, and in God's strength press onward.
Thank you for reading this guest post by David Hanson. To find more from David, please visit his blogs on Facebook and Instagram at Church Awake Media, and on his site